Insurance Blog
While Citizens Reduces Insurance Policies, Floridians are Left Confused
As Citizens does its best to reduce the number of policies it has, many policyholders are confused – even resentful – at the methods the state-run insurer is using to lower numbers. The current goal of Citizens is to vastly reduce the number of policies so it can zero-in on its official mandate: to insure those who are unable to find adequate coverage through insurers on the open market. Citizens is starting to feel some pushback from policyholders – mostly those who realize that Citizens has a far better financial footing than any of the insurers who are taking on these former Citizens policies. To make matters worse, Citizens is dumping thousands of policies into the open market while they are cutting rates – a combination that isn’t sitting well with former policyholders who feel “pushed out” by Citizens. Opting Out and Implied Consent – Citizens’ Home Insurance Rules Creating a Hassle First off, if a person has Citizens as [...]
Have A Student In University? It’s Time For An Insurance Evaluation
It seems like just yesterday you were leaving your child on their first day of school. Now, they’re grown up. You’ve helped them, guided them, and protected them for nearly two decades. Yet, It’s time for them to go on their own to continue their education. Just because they’re leaving home for school in another city, or even a different state, it doesn’t mean you can’t still protect them. In fact, now is the time to protect them even more – with adequate insurance. Today, we’ll look at two types of insurance that your child should have when they’re away at university. Auto Insurance For Students Away At University If you send your child to university without a car, do they still need auto insurance? Many parents are surprised when their insurance agents tell them “yes.” It’s recommended that parents keep their children on their auto policy for a number of reasons, including: They will be protected when they come [...]
Insuring Your Home Remodeling Project Starts Long Before The Project Starts
If you’ve ever been through a home remodel – even so much as a bathroom or kitchen upgrade – you know there can be a lot to do. Yes, the result can be rewarding, and it can have a great impact on the resale value of your home. But there are many decisions to be made along the way in terms of arranging financing, selecting contractors and, of course, countless decorating decisions. Of all the things you have to do, one that often gets overlooked is a call to your Orlando insurance agent. In fact, it’s a good idea to make that call the first thing you do. In this article, we’ll explain why. Accidents Can Happen – Even On The First Day Of Renovations Waiting until your home addition or renovation is complete is not the time to increase coverage. If your new addition or renovation were to be damaged during construction without coverage, even on the first day, [...]
Five More Things You May Not Know Your Orlando Home Insurance Policy Covers
In the last post, we talked about five things you may not realize you Orlando home insurance covers. In this post, we’ll cover five more. Some are very unlikely in Florida, while some may get your attention. Here they are in no particular order: Animal Bites/Attacks on Your Property Over half of the nearly 5 million dog bites that occur each year take place on the property of a dog owner. Of these bites, about 800,000 lead to someone heading to the emergency room, walk-in clinic or primary care provider's office. In fact, animal bites (specifically, dogs) are in the top three most common incidents that result in a claim on a homeowner's policy. The good news for homeowners, and dog bite victims, is that most policies cover the bill for someone who is bit by an animal (domestic animals like cats, snakes, dogs, etc.) to a max of somewhere between $100,000 and $300,000. According the Insurance Information Institute, the [...]
My Home Insurance Covers What? Two Things Your Orlando Home Insurance Covers that May Surprise You.
We all know, hopefully, that if your home is damaged as the result of a fire, it's covered by your Orlando home insurance policy and that the company who issued the policy will pay the cost to fix the damage to pre-fire condition. However, beyond the obvious, many people aren't absolutely sure what their homeowner's insurance policy actually covers. Today, we're going to look at two situations that your homeowner's policy is likely to cover, that you might not be aware of. Objects Falling From The Sky Most people are under the impression that damage from a limb falling from a nearby tree during a storm is covered under your homeowner's policy, but many aren't aware that any secondary as a result (water infiltration, etc.) might not be covered if you don't take the necessary steps to mitigate the secondary damage as soon as is reasonably possible. This could mean placing a tarp over the hole on your roof, or boarding [...]
Florida Flood Insurance Reform – One Step Closer to Reality
In a vote of 306-91, Congress managed to get past a major obstacle toward providing flood insurance rate relief to thousands of Florida property owners. The vote is a big step toward relief from a looming increase in flood insurance rates that would be imposed on Florida homeowners who sell their property – a huge economic concern for the state and its economy. The bill Congress passed also makes sure that Florida homes that meet the current flood zone map regulations would retain their current classification and be exempt from higher premiums and any future flood map alterations. Of the homes in the National Flood Insurance Program, 40 percent of them are located in Florida – making the state disproportionately affected by the changes. Another sign of good faith toward Florida homeowners is that not one representative in Florida’s delegation of 27 voted against the bill. It’s up to the Senate now to pass a similar bill in order to [...]
Lower FL Reinsurance Rates Begin Trickling Down to FL Homeowners’ Home Policies
Homeowners in Florida are starting to see the benefits of lower insurance rates thanks to a more competitive market and lower reinsurance rates, according to the top regulator in the state. In the 13-page report from the Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR), findings showed that some large home insurers are beginning to lower rates in response to lower cost of reinsurance. It’s a positive piece of new for Florida homeowners who have seen a decade of steady increases in home insurance rates. The report came as a response to questions raised recently by Florida’s Chief Financial Officer about lower reinsurance rates and their impact on homeowners’ policy rates in the state. The report from the OIR includes data from 30 private home insurance companies that make up roughly 70 percent of the market in Florida. Half of the insurers have submitted rate filings that are based on their reinsurance costs for 2013-14, while some have yet to file their rates. [...]
NFIP Rate Hikes hit FL Homeowners in 2014. Private Flood Coverage Coming to Market
Lawmakers in Florida are hoping to step in and take action after Congress failed to pass legislation that would postpone the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) rate increases that are part of the 2012 Biggert-Waters Act. The rates hikes, scheduled to begin January 1, 2014, have come about as the result of subsidies for coastal areas being phased out after a $24 billion shortfall for the NFIP. Lawmakers want private property insurance companies to offer coastal homeowners relief before they are hit with increased flood insurance rates on January 1. And if that fails, the idea of a state-level NFIP alternative may be a solution to fill the gap left in the wake of the federal program. However some state lawmakers are opposed to establishing a Citizens Property Insurance Corporation-type entity to offer flood insurance for Florida’s costal homeowners. “There’s a limit to what the state can do unless we decide to get into the business of establishing a Citizens [...]
Despite Calm Hurricane Seasons, Florida Ranks 1st in Highest Home Insurance Rates
Despite a near ten-year lapse since the last hurricane, Floridians are still paying the highest homeowner insurance rates in the United States, according to a national report released this year. The report by The National Association of Insurance Commissioners shows that the average home insurance premium paid by Florida homeowners is $1,933 per year, which is roughly double the national average premium of $978. Among the top six states with the highest home insurance rates, five are located on the Gulf of Mexico. Louisiana had the second-highest premiums after Florida, followed by Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Alabama. The report is based on rate data from 2011 and includes rates from first-time premium costs paid by customers of Citizens Property Insurance. Citizens is a state-owned company - as well as Florida’s largest insurer with over a million policyholders. Rates in the Sunshine State have been increasing for several years, despite the fact that the state has not seen a hurricane since [...]
6 Things to do if You Get in a Car Accident
It’s not something we like to think about – getting in a car accident – but it will happen to a large number of us at least once in our lifetime. The question is – how many of us are prepared for it? Do you know what to do (and what NOT to do) after an accident? Whether it’s a fender-bender or worse, there are things to do for your own safety – and the safety of others. Regardless of whether you are at fault or not, here are six things you should do (and one important thing NOT to do) when you have an accident: Ensure your safety and the safety of your passengers. If necessary, call 911 and give details about injuries including how many are injured or involved in the wreck. If injuries are minor, get passengers out of vehicles (if possible) and to a safe area away from traffic and other hazards. Move your car from [...]
Why You Need Orlando Homeowners Insurance
Orlando Homeowner insurance serves a similar purpose as car insurance and health insurance – it covers, as a general comparison, the cost of repair or replacement when damage occurs. And, depending on where you live, this coverage may exclude damage from certain events, including flood, earthquakes and hurricanes. These devastating events are NOT typically covered in basic homeowners insurance policies. The typical homeowner’s insurance policy is made up of two types of protection – hazard insurance and liability insurance. Each serves a different purpose when it comes to protecting you, your home, and your property. Hazard Insurance – The hazard coverage in your Orlando homeowners insurance policy protects you from damage caused unintentionally - or by causes over which you have no control. These can include fallen trees on your home, vandalism, fire, etc. You can choose to have your policy cover the replacement value (covers the cost of buying a new item) or the cash value (pays what the [...]
Hurricane Proofed – 4 Ways To Make Sure Your Orlando Home is Protected
While Hurricane Season isn’t technically upon us here in Florida, it’s always a good time to be thinking about your own preparations toward protecting your Orlando home from hurricanes. If your home was built during or after the mid-to-late 1990s (post Hurricane Andrew), it should have some building features that help protect it from the damaging winds and destruction that a hurricane can bring. Homes built after the 2002 Florida Building Code changes are even more protected. And while these building code features, such as impact-resistant glass, are meant to beef up protection against hurricanes and subsequent damage from rain, wind, blowing objects and other hazards, there are still many things Florida homeowners can do to protect their home structure, possessions and families. Reinforce your garage door. Your garage door is typically the largest opening to your home. Once it’s blown in, or otherwise compromised during a hurricane, winds are more likely to penetrate your home, increasing air pressure inside [...]
4 Reasons why You Should Have Sinkhole Insurance Coverage for Your Orlando Home
It’s certainly not breaking news that sinkholes literally ‘come with the territory’ in the state of Florida these days. In fact, the Southwest Florida Water Management District has labeled sinkholes as "one of the predominant land forms in Florida" putting the phenomenon in the same land class as The Everglades. Earlier this year, a Hillsborough County, FL man disappeared into a sinkhole that opened up under his bedroom without warning – which is how most sinkholes come to be – fast and with little or no warning, and sometimes right beneath a home. So let’s talk about why you might want to get sinkhole coverage added to your Florida home insurance policy if you don’t already have it. Sinkholes form from too much or too little water in the aquifer. Typically, when the limestone under the surface dissolves from too much, or too little, rainfall, the chances of a sinkhole forming are increased. Of course, if you live in Florida, [...]
Orlando Home Insurance Premiums Going Up? Use an Agency to Compare Rates and Save
It’s almost impossible to avoid – you get a letter in the mail from your Orlando home insurance carrier saying that your rates are going up. Or, maybe there’s been a story on your local Orlando news station that talks about insurance companies requesting the state allow them to raise rates on customers’ policies. Regardless of how you hear about it, rate hikes on your home insurance policy are never a welcome thing – no matter how much the increase may be. So, how do you make sure you’re getting the best rates for Insurance on an Orlando Home? It’s easy – you rely on the people who can give you the best rates. Often, this means turning to a local insurance agent who has vast experience and knowledge that could end up saving you money on your premiums. Much like health insurance, the Orlando home insurance market is filled with brand-name carriers that we all know. However, there are [...]
An Orlando Insurance Agency Can Help You Save on Rates for Your Home, Auto and More
When it comes to insuring your Orlando house, cars, and other possessions, the number of insurance companies you have to choose from can be overwhelming. From brand name, nation-wide companies to regional companies you may not know, the number of options you have (and the coverage these companies offer) is quite large. If you were to take the time to thoroughly research and compare each company, the coverage they have to offer – as well as the potential savings you could see by bundling your coverage – you may be a little hesitant to do all this work yourself and just go with one of the big insurance companies who stick their ads on the TV, radio and Internet. After all, they must be offering the best rates to the largest numbers of people, right? Maybe. While it’s true that the big, brand-name insurance companies do offer some great rates, the coverage that comes with those rates might not protect [...]
For Your Orlando Home: Insurance Tips for the Best Protection
It’s true that not every home insurance policy covers you in the same way. There are plenty of things you can do to boost coverage, save costs, lower deductibles, etc. At Corkhill Insurance, our goal is to make sure your Orlando home insurance meets your coverage needs – and your budget needs. Before we recommend the best policy for you, we try to sit down and discuss the following: If disaster strikes in Orlando, do you want your home insurance coverage to ensure you home is rebuilt to the same specification as when it was built? If so, we can extend your home insurance coverage to cover the same quality of materials as when your home was built. This may add cost to your policy, however it may also offer peace of mind should the unthinkable happen and your home is destroyed. Do you need coverage for your personal property inside your Orlando home? Insurance on your home usually covers [...]
Bundling Orlando Home Insurance and Auto Insurance Policies
If you own an Orlando home, insurance is definitely a top priority. Another likely priority is spending as little as possible while still having the coverage you need to protect your home and your family. One way to quickly and easily slash 10-30% off your insurance premiums, while maintaining your current level of coverage, is to bundle two or more of your insurance policies. With the rising cost of home insurance in Orlando and across the U.S., you should be aware of the potential savings that can come from making this easy move. The out-of-pocket savings is typically the biggest reason why people choose to bundle their home insurance in Orlando. Home insurance, when bundled with auto insurance can not only save money, but also fill in gaps that may present themselves during certain situations such as when you are moving belongings from your home with your car and you have an accident. Having two separate companies (one for the [...]
Reviewing Your Orlando Auto insurance Policy for Possible Savings
We all like saving money – and when it comes to your Orlando auto insurance policy, many of us welcome any savings we can find. And, while bundling your home and auto insurance is one potential way to save, there are other ways that many don’t think about. Taking the time to ask some of the following questions may help. Do you have more (or fewer) drivers in your home compared to when you enacted your policy? If you’ve downsized, and some (or all) of your children have left to go to college and no longer drive your vehicle, you may be able to drop drivers from your policy and see some savings. Conversely, if your children are getting older and are driving your car in and around Orlando, auto insurance should be beefed up to protect you and your family from potentially huge costs if an accident were to occur. How old are your vehicles? If you have a [...]
Find the Right Home Insurance for Your Orlando Home
If you are thinking about buying a home now, then you need to make sure that you start looking for a great Orlando home insurance policy right away. You want to have a great company and policy waiting for your new home. Of course, navigating your way around insurance can be difficult. It can be hard enough to understand car insurance, but home insurance adds even more terms and complexity. When you are looking at companies for your insurance policy, you will want to choose someone who will be willing to take the time to explain the terms to you, as well as your options and what you will really be getting with the policy. When talking with an insurance agent, many people simply nod and agree, pretending that they understand everything. The truth is that most people just nod because they do not want to appear as though they aren’t familiar with the terms. This is a horrible thing [...]
Types of Orlando Home Insurance to Cover Everyone
When you are live in Orlando, one of the things that you should consider is having homeowner’s insurance. Home insurance should be a very important part of everyone’s life, but many people have only the minimum amount of insurance for their home. In some cases, people try to get out of paying for the insurance because they do not want to have an added expense. This is one of the worst moves possible! You should always have the best and the most home insurance that you can possibly afford. Consider what would happen if something were to happen to your home? A flood, rain or fire damage, theft, and other dangers lurk right around the corner. Even thought you never believe that anything like that could happen to your home, the truth is that everyone it at risk. Thus, it makes more sense to get insurance to cover any damage that could happen on your property. A misconception that some [...]
Corkhill Insurance Agency, LLC
20 S. Bumby Ave.
Orlando, FL 32803
T: (407) 898-8891
F: (407) 898-8813

