What Should Go in your Safe or Safe-Deposit Box?

Spring is here, and with it comes that liberating feeling of cleaning and organizing things in your home. After you’ve cleaned the cobwebs out of the corners and dusted your home, don’t forget to have a look at your important documents you have in your safe, or safe-deposit box at the bank.

Ask yourself, which documents do you need to keep? Which can you destroy?

If you don’t have either a safe in your home or a safe deposit box at the bank, here are some things to consider about each option.

Home Safes

Generally, these are best suited for protecting documents and valuables you may need to access on short notice, like jewelry or fine watches. Keep in mind that while a residential safe does provide protection against fire and theft, they aren’t as well fortified as commercial models. For the best protection from a home safe, choose one that is too heavy to carry, and bolt it to the floor. If you own firearms, a fire-rated firearm safe can weigh up to 800lbs and provide excellent protection for your valuables.